Your Expert Partner in Coal and Ore Sorting Machinery JD Mining Separation is located in Tangshan City, it is renowned as the “Cradle of Modern Chinese Industry.” Here, China witnessed the birth of its first mechanized coal mine, the first standard gauge railway, the first steam locomotive, and the first barrel of machine-made cement. Tangshan, with its strong industrial foundation, is primarily focused on ceramics, steel, coal, and chemical industries. Among these, the steel industry stands out as the lifeblood of Tangshan’s economic development.

Our Services:

Our comprehensive range of services encompasses the entire spectrum of coal and ore sorting, ensuring that we meet our clients’ diverse needs. Our core services include:

Coal and Ore Sorting Process Design:

We offer comprehensive design solutions for coal and ore sorting processes, tailored to the specific requirements of our clients.

Construction, Installation, and Commissioning:

We undertake complete construction, installation, and commissioning services for coal and ore sorting plants, ensuring their successful operation.

Process Refinement and Automation

We specialize in the transformation of existing sorting equipment and processes, incorporating advanced automation and intelligent systems.

Environmental Dust Control Systems:

We provide solutions for environmental compliance and pollution control, including dust control system retrofits.

Industrial Water Treatment Engineering

Our expertise extends to industrial water treatment, ensuring sustainable water usage and quality.

Sorting and Separation Equipment

Our extensive product range includes vibration screens, centrifuges, crushers, jigs, flotation machines, cyclones, and more.

Key Products

At JD Mining Separation, we are dedicated to providing high-quality machinery and comprehensive solutions for the coal and ore sorting industry. Our commitment to research, development, and customer satisfaction makes us your trusted partner for all your coal and ore sorting needs.

Contact us today to explore how our expertise can enhance your coal and ore sorting processes, contributing to greater efficiency and success in your operations.


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8:30am – 5:30pm




+86 315-8286731






9:00am – 6:00pm